Proven Innovative: MAKUKU Air Tissue Receives First Lotion Tissue Innovation Award in Indonesia from INFOBRAND.ID

Proven Innovative: MAKUKU Air Tissue Receives First Lotion Tissue Innovation Award in Indonesia from INFOBRAND.ID

written by : MAKUKU - 4 May 2023

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After 2 years in Indonesia, MAKUKU has made many innovations to the quality of its products. Not only focusing on the quality of diaper products, but MAKUKU has also launched the first lotion tissue product in Indonesia in early 2023. Through high product innovation, MAKUKU has received several prestigious awards. This time, MAKUKU received a special award as MAKUKU Air Tissue Innovation: First in Indonesia as "First Lotion Tissue in Indonesia" from INFOBRAND.ID on April 13, 2023.

MAKUKU Air Tissue is a lotion tissue that contains glycerin which can soften and moisturize the tissue so that it does not cause skin irritation. This lotion tissue also has superior softness from the best ingredients such as 80% wood pulp and 20% natural glycerin which is safe when in contact with the skin because of its soft and non-drying surface. MAKUKU Air Tissue is different from ordinary tissue because it does not contain coarse fibers which can help prevent irritation on sensitive skin.

INFOBRAND.ID is the first media in Indonesia that carries 3 (three) concept approaches namely: Brand Achievement, Brand Community and Brand Reference. As the first brand portal in Indonesia, INFOBRAND.ID is the answer to the need for the latest brand developments, brand education and displays information on various awards for brand recognition in Indonesia.

CEO of MAKUKU Indonesia, Jason Lee said, "MAKUKU will always prove its commitment to quality product innovation in Indonesia. This award is a form of appreciation from mothers in Indonesia for MAKUKU's product innovation. MAKUKU really appreciates the positive response from mothers in Indonesia, including the awards that have been obtained by MAKUKU. One of them is the award for MAKUKU Air Tissue from INFOBRAND.ID today. This award is not the first time. Previously, MAKUKU has also received the Top Innovation Choice Award 2022 with the innovation of Super Absorbent Polymer (SAP) material, for the category of Diapers Baby Kesayangan from Mom & Kids Choice Award, the award as the winner for the category of Diapers in Products for Babies and Toddlers from Mother & Beyond Reader's Choice Award 2022 and the category of Baby Diapers from Babyo Awards 2022. In addition, MAKUKU also managed to break 2 records from the Indonesian World Records Museum (MURI) as the Thinnest Disposable Baby Diaper and Baby Diaper with the First Anti Clumping Facility in Indonesia (SAP Technology)."

MAKUKU Brand Director, Lucky Zheng said, "It is important to choose products for proper care of your little one's sensitive skin. MAKUKU Air Tissue with soft natural glycerin can prevent irritation on the baby's skin layer."[1] As the #PioneerofLotionTissue in Indonesia, MAKUKU Air Tissue was specifically created as a form of MAKUKU's commitment in providing the right care products for mothers and their little ones to be used every day, from cleaning the skin of the face, hands, to being used when changing the diaper of the little one. In addition to its very soft surface, MAKUKU Air Tissue also does not tear easily like other dry tissue products and does not contain alcohol so it is safe for very sensitive skin and can be used by adults in everyday life."

Currently, MAKUKU Air Tissue is available starting from Rp. 9,900;00 MAKUKU Air Tissue is available on MAKUKU Indonesia Official account on Lazada, Shopee, Tiktok Shop, and Tokopedia. (PR/MKK)




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