250 Modern Islamic Boy Baby Names and Their Meanings

Find inspiration for beautiful and meaningful Islamic Baby Boy Names. Choose a name that matches the Islamic values for your baby. Find ideas here!

written by : MAKUKU - 14 Nov 2023

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Welcoming the birth of a baby is a happy moment. One of the important decisions parents face is choosing a baby name. In this article, we will explore the world of modern Islamic baby boy names and their meanings. From cool names, names from the Quran, to modern-day choices.

Cool Islamic Baby Boy Names

When looking for cool baby names, we are looking for a combination that is modern and has a deep meaning. Here are some great Islamic baby boy names for moms and dads.

  1. Arkan - The solid pillar of life.
  2. Rizqullah - God's abundant bounty.
  3. Fathan - Opener of the path to success.
  4. Malik - A just leader.
  5. Ilman - A smart and knowledgeable child.
  6. Zayyan - Beautiful, radiant, like light.
  7. Faris - A brave warrior.
  8. Zidan - Increased, well-developed.
  9. Ghazi - A persistent warrior.
  10. Zafar - A glorious winner.
  11. Hayyan - Lively and vigorous.
  12. Dzaky - One who possesses virtue.
  13. Rais - A respected leader.
  14. Umar - Long lived, long life.
  15. Rashid - The one who gets guidance.
  16. Akmal - Perfect and complete.
  17. Ihsan - Kindness and generosity.
  18. Azzam - Great fighting power.
  19. Rizal - Luminous and shining.
  20. Fayyad - The generous one.
  21. Zuhair - A fresh flower.
  22. Saifan - A sharp sword.
  23. Mubarak - Blessed by Allah.
  24. Idris - Studying diligently.
  25. Wafi - Faithful and honest.
  26. Dzul - The owner, the possessor.
  27. Hanif - Straight and upright in heart.
  28. Hamzah - The name of a prominent lion.
  29. Iman - Strong belief.
  30. Khaldun - Eternal and everlasting.
  31. Labib - Wise and intelligent.
  32. Munir - A brilliant illuminator.
  33. Rafi - High and noble.
  34. Samir - A good listener.
  35. Taufan - A strong storm.
  36. Zamil - A good friend.
  37. Luqman - Wise and knowledgeable.
  38. Dzulfikar - The sword of the Prophet Muhammad.
  39. Iqbal - Good fortune.
  40. Jamil - Handsome and beautiful.
  41. Luthfi - Gentle and devoted.
  42. Naufal - A noble descendant.
  43. Qaid - Leader and commander.
  44. Ramadan - The holy month in Islam.
  45. Syamil - Friendly and unpretentious.
  46. Tsaqib - The fortunate one.
  47. Ukail - Kindness and wisdom.
  48. Wahid - The one and unique.
  49. Yasir - The one who is rich.
  50. Ziyad - Rapid growth.

Islamic Baby Boy Names in the Quran

Names from the Quran have their own specialty. Here are Islamic baby boy names taken directly from the Quran.

  1. Ilyas - The name of an obedient and strict prophet.
  2. Zakariya - The name of a prayerful and patient prophet.
  3. Yunus - The name of the prophet known for the story of the whale.
  4. Moses - Name of the prophet who brought the Torah.
  5. Isma'il - The son of the prophet Ibrahim who was scrambled.
  6. Luqman - Wisdom given by Allah.
  7. Harith - The possessor of wisdom.
  8. Shaleh - The name of the prophet who guided his people.
  9. Ishaq - Son of Ibrahim who became a prophet.
  10. Yusuf - Name of a prophet with a story of love and patience.
  11. Hud - The prophet who was sent to the people of 'Ad.
  12. Saleh - Prophet sent to the people of Tsamud.
  13. Adam - The first prophet and father of mankind.
  14. Noah - The prophet who built the ark.
  15. Job - The prophet who was patient in trials.
  16. Dzulkifli - The prophet who was given wealth by Allah.
  17. Adam - The first prophet and father of mankind.
  18. Noah - The prophet who built the ark.
  19. Job - The prophet who was patient in his trials.
  20. Dhulkifli - The prophet who was given wealth by Allah.
  21. Sulaiman - The prophet who was given wisdom and wealth.
  22. Ilyasa - Successor to the prophet Elias.
  23. Yunus - The prophet who was saved by a whale.
  24. Ya'qub - The prophet who had many children.
  25. Isa - Prophet and Messenger who was sent to the Children of Israel.
  26. Ayyub - The prophet who was patient in facing trials.
  27. Yusuf - A handsome and wise prophet.
  28. Zakariya - The prophet who was given offspring in old age.
  29. Yahya - The prophet who became the predecessor of Isa.
  30. Shiddiq - Title for Abu Bakr, the companion of Prophet Muhammad.
  31. Umar - Title for Umar bin Khattab, a companion of the Prophet.
  32. Usman - Title for Usman bin Affan, a companion of the Prophet.
  33. Ali - Title of Ali bin Abi Talib, the Prophet's companion.
  34. Abu Bakr - Title of the Prophet's closest companion.
  35. Zaid - The name of a companion adopted by the Prophet.
  36. Zubair - Name of a famous companion.
  37. Talhah - Name of a faithful companion.
  38. Saad - Name of a brave companion.
  39. Hamzah - The Prophet's uncle and a valiant companion.
  40. Abu Hurairah - A companion who was diligent in narrating hadith.
  41. Abu Dhar - A zuhud and responsible companion.
  42. Abdullah bin Umar - Son of Umar bin Khattab.
  43. Abu Ubaidah - Companion who was famous for his honesty.
  44. Abdullah bin Abbas - Cousin of the Prophet who was an accomplished exegete.
  45. Salman Al-Farisi - Companion who came from Persia.
  46. Bilal bin Rabah - The first Companion to call to prayer.
  47. Ammar bin Yasir - A companion who was faithful and experienced many trials.
  48. Sa'id bin Zaid - Companion who as a child was raised by the Prophet.
  49. Abu Bakr As-Siddiq - The first Companion to embrace Islam.

Contemporary Islamic Baby Boy Names

However, not only names from the past have meaning. Here are today's Islamic baby boy names.

  1. Rayyan - Smart and thriving.
  2. Azka - The best and holiest choice.
  3. Jihan - A prosperous and happy life.
  4. Fahri - A respected leader.
  5. Daffa - Clean and pure like dew.
  6. Farrel - A smart and wise force.
  7. Haikal - A child of noble character.
  8. Rashid - A just and wise leader.
  9. Zidan - Increase and develop well.
  10. Althaf - A good gift from Allah.
  11. Ihsan - Kindness and generosity.
  12. Dzaky - One who has virtue.
  13. Rais - A respected leader.
  14. Umar - Long life, long life.
  15. Rashid - One who is guided.
  16. Akmal - Perfect and complete.
  17. Ihsan - Kindness and generosity.
  18. Azzam - Great fighting power.
  19. Rizal - Luminous and shining.
  20. Fayyad - The generous one.
  21. Zuhair - A fresh flower.
  22. Saifan - A sharp sword.
  23. Mubarak - Blessed by Allah.
  24. Idris - Studying diligently.
  25. Wafi - Faithful and honest.
  26. Dzul - The owner, the possessor.
  27. Hanif - Straight and upright in heart.
  28. Hamzah - The name of a prominent lion.
  29. Iman - Strong belief.
  30. Khaldun - Eternal and everlasting.
  31. Labib - Wise and intelligent.
  32. Munir - A brilliant illuminator.
  33. Rafi - High and noble.
  34. Samir - A good listener.
  35. Taufan - A strong storm.
  36. Zamil - A good friend.
  37. Luqman - Wise and knowledgeable.
  38. Dzulfikar - The sword of the Prophet Muhammad.
  39. Iqbal - Good fortune.
  40. Jamil - Handsome and beautiful.
  41. Luthfi - Gentle and devoted.
  42. Naufal - A noble descendant.
  43. Qaid - Leader and commander.
  44. Ramadan - The holy month in Islam.
  45. Syamil - Friendly and unpretentious.
  46. Tsaqib - The fortunate one.
  47. Ukail - Kindness and wisdom.
  48. Wahid - The one and unique.
  49. Yasir - The one who is rich.
  50. Ziyad - Rapid growth.

2-Word Islamic Baby Boy Names in the Quran

For more depth, here are Islamic baby boy names with two words taken from the Quran.

  1. Amirul Mukminin - Leader of the believers.
  2. Abdul Aziz - The noble and mighty servant of Allah.
  3. Malikul Mulk - The owner of a great kingdom.
  4. Fathur Rahman - The bearer of victory from Allah the Merciful.
  5. Nashirul Haq - The propagator of the truth.
  6. Ilman Naafi - Useful knowledge.
  7. Zakiyul Akhlak - Clean character.
  8. Luqman Hakim - Wise wisdom.
  9. Rashidul Hidayah - Right guidance.
  10. Jalaludin Rumi - The glory of religion.
  11. Faidhur Rahman - The grace of a loving God.
  12. Shiddiq Amin - An honest and trustworthy person.
  13. Hakimul Adil - The just judge.
  14. Munirul Kholiq - The giver of light from the Creator.
  15. Fathiyyan Najih - A successful winner.
  16. Khairul Bashar - The best of men.
  17. Saifullah Hafiz - The sword of Allah that guards.
  18. Hakimul Falah - The judge who brings success.
  19. Dzul Qarnain - Owner of two horns, a title for a king.
  20. Fadhilur Rahman - The noble one with Allah's mercy.
  21. Jalaludin Qudus - The glory of the Holy One.
  22. Malikul Quwwah - The possessor of solid strength.
  23. Ilman Saqil - Knowledge that benefits the people.
  24. Ashabul Jannah - The happy inhabitants of heaven.
  25. Fadhilul Hadi - Glorious with Allah's guidance.
  26. Dzakiyul Islam - Clean in practicing the teachings of Islam.
  27. Rafiul Qudus - High in purity.
  28. Malikul Hadi - The possessor of true guidance.
  29. Shiddiqul Amin - Honest and trustworthy.
  30. Munirul Hikmah - The giver of the light of wisdom.
  31. Rashidul Islam - The true guidance in Islam.
  32. Ilman Hafizh - Knowledge that is guarded and remembered.
  33. Nashirul Amal - The propagator of good deeds.
  34. Faidhur Rahman - The grace of a merciful Allah.
  35. Shiddiqun Najih - The successful honest man.
  36. Hakimul Hikmah - The wise judge.
  37. Munirul Khair - The giver of light from goodness.
  38. Fadhilur Akhlak - The noble in character.
  39. Jalaludin Shalih - The glory of the righteous.
  40. Malikul Jannah - The owner of the great heaven.
  41. Ilman Qawiyy - Strong and solid knowledge.
  42. Ashabul Islam - The devout inhabitants of Islam.
  43. Fadhilur Rizq - The noble in sustenance.
  44. Jalaludin Qadir - Glory from the Almighty.
  45. Malikul Adil - The owner of perfect justice.
  46. Ilman Shalih - Knowledge that is useful for good.
  47. Ashabul Falah - The dwellers of fortune.
  48. Rafiul Akhlak - High in character.
  49. Munirul Jannah - The giver of light from heaven.
  50. Hakimul Hafiz - The judge who guards and memorizes.

Islamic Baby Boy Names in Quran 3 Words

To give you a deeper impression, here are three-word Islamic baby boy names taken from the Quran.

  1. Abdullah Al-Malikul Quddus - The noble servant of Allah, the possessor of purity.
  2. Ahmad Al-Fattah Ar-Rahman - The praiseworthy one, the Opener of all mercy.
  3. Khairul Basyar Ash-Shafi - The best of men, the One who heals.
  4. Abdul Wahid Al-Hakim Al-Aziz - The one servant of Allah, the wise, the mighty.
  5. Hafizh Al-Quwwatul Mateen - The protector, The one with unwavering strength.
  6. Faidhur Rahman Al-Mujib - The giver of benefits, The grace that grants.
  7. Ashabul Jannah Fi Darus Salam - Dwellers of heaven, In the house of peace.
  8. Fadhilur Rahim Al-Ghafur - The noble, the compassionate, the forgiving.
  9. Nashrul Islam Fi Biladil Amn - Spreading Islam, In a safe land.
  10. Khilalullah Al-Mujaddid - The close friend of Allah, Who brings new freshness.
  11. Khalifatullah Fil Ard - Caliph of Allah on earth.
  12. Hadiyul Islam Wal Muslimin - The guide of Islam and the Muslims.
  13. Shahidul Jihad Fi Sabilillah - Witness in jihad for Allah.
  14. Mustajabud Da'wah - Who always answers prayers.
  15. Muqarrabul Malaikah - One who is close to the angels.
  16. Muflihul Akhirah - One who is successful in the hereafter.
  17. Muta'alli Asmaul Husna - Who are high in bearing the beautiful names of Allah.
  18. Mumayyizul Haq - Who distinguishes between right and wrong.
  19. Muntasirul Qahhar - Who triumphs with His mighty power.
  20. Muntahi Ilmal Qiyamah - Whose knowledge is recognized until the Day of Judgment.
  21. Mushlihul Ummah - The reformers and restorers of the ummah.
  22. Mujahidun Fi Sabilillah - Fighters in the way of Allah.
  23. Mukhlisul Ikhlas - The sincere in purity of heart.
  24. Munawwirul Qulub - The illuminator of dark hearts.
  25. Munazzamul Azimat - The firm in determination.
  26. Muslihul Basyar - The savior of mankind.
  27. Mustaqimul Sirat - The straight in the path of truth.
  28. Mutaqaddimul Akhirah - Who gives precedence to the affairs of the hereafter.
  29. Mutawakkilu Alal Malik - One who relies on the Master of all.
  30. Muthmainnul Qalb - The heart that is serene and tranquil.
  31. Muwakkilus Salihin - The helper of the righteous.
  32. Naqibul Jannah - Leader of the dwellers of heaven.
  33. Nasirul Islam - The helper of Islam.
  34. Nujumul Lail - The stars of the night.
  35. Qawiyyul Matin - Strong and Sturdy.
  36. Qodirul Jami - The Almighty, the Compassionate.
  37. Qudratullah Fil Ard - The majesty of Allah on earth.
  38. Rafiul Abrar - Who exalts the devoted.
  39. Rashidul Khalaiq - Who guides His creatures.
  40. Saifullah Al-Mujahid - The sword of Allah in jihad.
  41. Shalihul Ikhwan - The one who is kind to the brothers.
  42. Shafiul Mardhatillah - The healer who earns Allah's favor.
  43. Taqiyul Qowiy - The pious and strong.
  44. Thayyibul Atsar - The good and pure.
  45. Tsabitul Qalb - The steady heart.
  46. Ustadzul Ummah - The teacher of the people.
  47. Wafiyul Amanah - One who is faithful in keeping the trust.
  48. Waliyullah Fil Ard - Allah's guardian on earth.
  49. Ya'luwal Akhfiyah - The great victor.

When it comes to modern Islamic baby boy names, there are so many options that are cool, historic and relevant to the times. However, the most important thing is to choose a name that has deep meaning and offers good wishes for your little one's future.

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Nama bayi





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