The Importance of Love for the Homeland in the Young Generation

The Importance of Love for the Homeland in the Young Generation

written by : MAKUKU - 28 Oct 2021

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The attitude of love for the homeland is an attitude and behavior that must be owned by everyone. It is important to have to defend, protect and protect the homeland. The importance of instilling a sense of love for the homeland can also foster a sense of love and preserve the customs, culture and nature of this country.

Commemorating the 93rd Youth Pledge Day on October 28, 2021, the theme this year is United, Rise and Grow. This theme shows the spirit of unity in the diversity of the Indonesian nation. Especially at this time, Indonesia is battling the Covid-19 pandemic. As well as describing the participation of the younger generation to rise in growing the economy.

"This theme was chosen as a form of depicting the spirit of unity in the diversity of the Indonesian nation. This theme is also a spirit of participation of young people to rise up against the Covid-19 pandemic to realize economic growth with the spirit of youth entrepreneurship," said the Guidelines for the Implementation of the 93rd Youth Pledge Day. as quoted from the Kemenpora RI website.

The way the young generation loves their homeland can be done in the following ways:

  • Proud to use original products made in Indonesia.
  • Participate in preserving and safeguarding the country's wealth.
  • Do not spread hate speech or hoax news.
  • Do not damage public facilities.
  • Creating harmony with diverse communities.

To print a golden generation that is intelligent and characterized, parents have an important role. So that the balance of academic and character is what parents need to prepare from an early age.

Teaching children to love the country

In addition to providing education about motor skills, another thing that is no less important to teach children is the attitude of loving the homeland from an early age. This is used to trigger the emergence of a sense of nationalism, the child's interest in the introduction of culture and noble values. Even parents are advised to introduce national culture so that children love happily and without coercion.

In the process of teaching children about the attitude of love for the homeland can be done in various ways. Among them are making handicrafts with certain cultural themes, introducing a variety of traditional clothes, participating in flag ceremonies, telling history and hero figures, teaching children to respect and tolerate each other, inviting children for cultural recreation, participating in cultural events to trying food from various regions.

MAKUKU Family as a mother and child consultant fully supports parents in supporting the development and growth of children in Indonesia by helping meet the needs of their little ones with quality products.

Author: Aqiyu Purbosuli







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