Definition of Stunting: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

Definition of Stunting: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

written by : MAKUKU - 23 Oct 2023

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Children's growth can be seen from their weight and height. Normally, these two factors develop together as children get older. If not, it will cause health problems, one of which is stunting.

Stunting in children should be a concern and be watched out for by parents. stunting can be a sign that your child is not getting a balanced nutritional intake during their growth period. If left unchecked, it will have a longer impact, ranging from inhibited physical growth, reduced endurance to disruption of the child's brain development. In this article we will discuss more about the definition of stunting, what causes it, how the symptoms of stunting and how to prevent it that moms and dads can do.

Definition of stunting

Stunting is a condition of inhibited physical growth and development of children caused by a lack of adequate and balanced nutritional intake over a long period of time. Stunting can occur in children aged 0 to 5 years, which is a critical period of growth and development.

According to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkes), stunting is a condition when a child's body length is shorter than the normal body length that should be appropriate for their age. This condition is often influenced by inadequate nutritional intake and lack of access to nutritious food.

Meanwhile, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), stunting is when a child's height is below two standard deviations from the average height that should be appropriate for their age. WHO also emphasizes that stunting is a leading indicator of chronic malnutrition in children, and it can have a serious impact on a child's physical and mental development, including cognitive ability and future productivity.

Stunting is a global health problem that affects many countries, especially in regions with low levels of nutrition and limited access to quality food. The causes of stunting involve complex factors, including poor nutrition, poor sanitation, limited access to health services, and social and economic factors.

Causes of Child Stunting

Stunting is the result of multiple factors that can affect a child's physical growth. Some of the causes of stunting include:

 Low Birth Weight Infants (LBW)

Low birth weight babies (LBW) can increase the risk of stunting in children, but LBW itself is not a direct cause of stunting. LBW is when a baby is born weighing less than 2,500 grams (2.5 kilograms) or 5.5 pounds. LBW is a risk factor that increases the likelihood of a child becoming stunted because babies born with low weight often start their lives with suboptimal growth.

Lack of Maternal Nutritional Intake During Pregnancy

Lack of nutritional intake during pregnancy is one of the main factors that can cause stunting in children.  Nutritional inadequacies during pregnancy can have a long-term impact on the physical and cognitive growth of the born child, resulting in low birth weight and potentially stunted growth. Lack of adequate nutrient intake, especially protein, energy, iron, calcium, vitamins, and minerals that are essential for child growth.

Insufficient Child Nutrition Needs

Inadequate child nutrition is one of the common causes of stunting in children. Unmet nutritional needs can affect a child's growth and development, especially during the first two years of life (first 1,000 days) which is a critical period in a child's physical and cognitive development.

Unbalanced Diet

A diet that is inadequate in terms of nutrients required for children's growth and development can hinder their physical and cognitive growth. To prevent stunting caused by an unbalanced diet, it is important to provide children with nutrient-rich foods, including good sources of protein, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and dairy products. Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of a child's life is also very important, as breast milk contains nutrients that are optimal for infant growth.

Inadequate Care After Childbirth

Inadequate care after childbirth or lack of postpartum care can contribute to child stunting, although the effect may be indirect or more related to the mother's well-being. Good postnatal care is important for the mother's recovery and has a positive impact on the child's growth and development.


Parenting can have a significant impact on a child's growth and development. Inadequate parenting or not supporting optimal child development can contribute to stunting. It is important to recognize the important role parents play in a child's development and provide adequate support in terms of physical, emotional and educational care. Educating parents about good nutrition, early child stimulation, and healthy care practices can help prevent stunting and support optimal child development.

Recurrent Infections

Recurrent infections in children can be one of the causes of stunting. Frequent and recurrent infections can interfere with a child's food intake, nutrient absorption, and nutrient utilization in the body, which can ultimately hinder their physical growth and development. Some of the infections that can contribute to stunting include respiratory tract infections, gastrointestinal tract infections, parasitic infections, and skin infections. Recurrent infections, especially if not treated properly, can result in malnutrition and reduce a child's immune system. The combination of frequent infections, lack of adequate food intake, and limited access to clean water and good sanitation can create conditions that favor stunting.

Poor Sanitation

Poor sanitation is one of the causes of stunting in children. Poor hygiene and sanitation can lead to the spread of disease and infection, which in turn can hinder a child's physical growth and development. So, don't be careless to maintain the cleanliness of your child's drinking water, toilet cleanliness, environment, access to clean water and good waste handling.

Symptoms of Stunting

Stunting is a condition of stunted growth in children due to malnutrition and inadequate nutrient intake during the growth period. Some symptoms of stunting that may be seen in children include:

Slower Growth

Slowed growth is one of the main symptoms of stunting. A child's growth that does not match the normal growth curve for their age is a hallmark of stunting. Children with stunting may experience delays in physical development, such as the ability to walk, run or play. Their motor skills may be limited.

Signs of Delayed Puberty

Late puberty is a condition when a child or adolescent's physical and sexual development is delayed compared to the expected development for their age. Delayed puberty can be one of the effects of stunting, although it is not always the case. While late puberty can be a symptom of stunting, not all cases of stunting will result in late puberty.


Shyness or shy behavior in children is not always a symptom of stunting, although stunting can have an impact on children's emotional and social development. Shyness is a personality trait that can appear in children of various backgrounds and growth levels. However, in some cases, stunted children may experience impacts on their social and emotional development, which can include shy behavior.

Short body

Children who are stunted generally have a shorter height than their peers. This difference is usually noticeable to some degree, especially as the child enters the growth period.

Face looks young

Having a youthful face is one of the signs of stunting. If your child looks much younger than their age, it could be that they have nutritional disorders that lead to stunting. Stunting generally affects a child's physical development and growth rate, but it is not uncommon for it to also affect a child's facial appearance.

Poor memory and learning difficulties

Symptoms such as poor memory and learning difficulties may be present in stunted children, but these can be further symptoms associated with the impact of stunting on cognitive and mental development. Stunting is a condition of stunted growth due to malnutrition and inadequate nutrient intake during a child's growth period.

How to prevent stunting

Preventing stunting is an important step in supporting optimal growth and development of children. Here are some ways to prevent stunting:

Check Pregnancy Routinely

Routine pregnancy checks allow doctors or midwives to monitor fetal development, including fetal growth. By monitoring fetal growth, doctors can identify potential problems or delays in fetal growth that require further attention. Prenatal check-ups allow doctors to provide advice on the nutritional intake needed to meet nutritional needs during pregnancy.

Checking the Growth and Development of the Little One

Schedule regular visits to the pediatrician to monitor your child's growth and development. The doctor will measure the child's weight, height, and head circumference and compare it with the appropriate growth curve for the child's age and gender. During the visit to the doctor, pay attention to the results of the child's growth measurements. This includes seeing if the child is growing according to the expected physical development for his/her age.

Providing Adequate Nutrient Intake

Providing adequate nutrition, especially during pregnancy and in the first years of a child's life, is one of the most effective measures in preventing stunting. Make sure children get exclusive breastfeeding or formula milk to support their growth. Get balanced complementary foods, additional vitamins and minerals and pay attention to your little one's diet.


Although immunizations do not directly prevent stunting (a condition of stunted growth due to malnutrition), they play a role in keeping children healthy and preventing diseases that can damage their growth and development. Immunizations help protect children from infectious diseases, improve health, prevent serious complications, improve quality of life and prevent the spread of disease.


Child stunting is a serious problem as it can negatively affect a child's physical and cognitive development. After knowing the causes, impacts and ways to prevent it, moms and dads can provide the best for your little one from the womb to 1000 days of life.

In addition, moms and dads are also required to ensure the comfort of the child. For example, your little one uses the right diapers, comfortable and according to their needs. One of the diapers that answers all the needs of baby moms is MAKUKU Dry Care. MAKUKU Dry Care has the following advantages:

MAKUKU Dry Care surface is created as soft as a cloud for your little one's delicate skin.

It has high absorbency so that it can absorb quickly day and night and dry throughout the day.

MAKUKU Dry Care is equipped with 3 air circulators to reduce the hot feeling when wearing diapers so as to maintain skin moisture.

The waist design is made more elastic to follow your little one's body shape.

The capacity of MAKUKU Dry Care is 400 ml.

MAKUKU Dry Care has adhesive diapers for newborns with size NB-S for baby weight around 2-8 kg and pants diapers ranging from size M, L, XL and XXL for weight ranging from 6-25 kg. The price of MAKUKU Dry Care baby diapers starts from 50 thousands and can be purchased offline and online. (Aq/MKK)





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