This is the development of pregnant women and fetuses when they are 5 months pregnant

This is the Development of Pregnant Women and Fetus When Pregnant 5 Months

written by : MAKUKU - 27 Oct 2022

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At the time of pregnancy which is entering the age of 5 months, there are many things that happen to pregnant women and the fetus in the womb. Curious as to how the development of 5 months pregnant women? Read this article to the end because we will explain it in full only here. 

1. Fetal Development 5 Months Gestational Age 

First of all, we will try to explain first regarding the development of the fetus. For clarity, we've summarized some of the developments from week to week below. 

  • Fetal skin will develop, be transparent, and also looks red. This is because their veins will be clearly visible, especially at the 17th week. The shape of the ears is also perfect and can catch bright light.
  • The fetus also weighs 120 grams and the uterus will look oval. As a result, the uterus is pushed from the pelvic cavity to the abdomen.
  • Entering the second week at the age of 5 months, your little one will be able to hear sounds from outside the body and can even respond to them by moving. Babies can also kick, punch and move actively in the womb.
  • The mother's bond in the second week at the age of 5 months is also getting closer and can feel the mother's emotions ranging from happy to sad. Babies who are in the fetus can also feel hungry.
  • At the age of 5 months, precisely in the third week, the fetal skin can be divided into two layers, namely the dermis and the epidermis. Dermis is the skin of the fetus which is on the inside and the epidermis which is on the surface.
  • In the third week at the age of 5 months, the fetus has reached a size of 25 centimeters and weighs 340 grams. His brain also started the body quickly.
  • At the end of the age of 5 months, moms can already feel the movement of the fetus moving actively. They will actively kick, punch, and perform certain movements. The fetus can also wake up as well as sleep.
  • At the age of 5 months, the fetus in the womb can even wake up suddenly if you hear a loud sound. The baby's brain and internal organs are still in the developmental stage until delivery arrives. 

2. Developments that occur in pregnant women 

In addition to the fetus, mothers who are 5 months pregnant also experience a number of developments and changes. Changes that are commonly seen are in the physical area. In addition, the mentality of pregnant women also changes. 

When entering the age of 5 months of pregnancy, a pregnant woman will generally appear some physical signs as follows: 

  • Varicose veins
  • Stretch marks
  • Enlarged breasts
  • Quickly long nails
  • Thicker hair
  • An unstoppable hunger. 

The signs above generally often occur in pregnant women at the age of 5 months of pregnancy. These physical characteristics can be a marker of entering the age of 5 months of pregnancy. 

In addition to physical signs, as we described, there are also mental changes that occur. Here are some common mental changes that occur in pregnant women, especially at 5 months of pregnancy. 

  • The occurrence of sudden changes in mood, otherwise known as mood swings.
  • Tend to experience pregnancy stress.
  • Pregnancy brain. 

In addition to signs of mental changes, it is also often accompanied by some minor ailments such as shortness of breath, headaches, cramps, constipation, and back pain. 

Those are some of the changes and developments that occur in 5 months of pregnant women and the fetus in the womb. Come on, prepare for childbirth by buying various needs for your newborn, one of which is diapers MAKUKU SAP Diapers Pro Care NB size with U Shape feature.  

For information, U Shape is the middle part of a U-shaped diaper. Its function is to reduce friction with the baby's umbilical cord so it is perfect for newborns.  





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