5 Characteristics of Pregnant Cough that You Need to Know

Let's Know the Characteristics of Congenital Cough During Pregnancy Here

written by : MAKUKU - 10 Jan 2024

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A woman experiences many changes during pregnancy, both from physical and health changes. It is undeniable that the immune system decreases during pregnancy which triggers the susceptibility to diseases, one of which is coughing. Coughing during pregnancy may provide a different experience for each pregnant woman. For that, let's know the characteristics of coughing during pregnancy, the causes and how to overcome it.

Causes of Coughing During Pregnancy

Not a few pregnant women find it difficult to distinguish the characteristics of congenital coughing from coughing in general. In fact, this congenital pregnancy cough is certainly caused by several conditions and has different complaints. Coughing during pregnancy can also be triggered by other things that are not all directly related to pregnancy. Some common causes of coughing in pregnant women include:

  1. Hormonal changes make pregnant women more sensitive to exposure to allergens, viruses and bacteria.
  2. A history of asthma in pregnant women can cause coughing and worsen the condition during pregnancy.
  3. Medications that are safe to take by pregnant women can also have side effects such as coughing.
  4. Fetal growth in the womb can compress organs such as the lungs, triggering a cough.
  5. Dry air or exposure to smoke can irritate the throat and cause coughing.

Characteristics of Pregnant Cough

Coughing is a natural reaction of the body that aims to remove foreign objects in the respiratory tract so that they do not enter the lower respiratory tract. In other words, coughing can keep the respiratory tract moist. 

The characteristics of a congenital pregnant cough with a cough in general actually look the same, but a congenital pregnant cough has complaints. Distinctive. Here are the characteristics of congenital pregnant cough that must be known:

1. Dry cough

The characteristics of congenital coughing in pregnancy are dry cough or phlegm. This often occurs in pregnant women due to irritation of the throat or sensitive respiratory tract, a decrease in the immune system of pregnant women, to an increase in estrogen levels in pregnant women which can trigger allergies. This congenital cough usually occurs in early pregnancy.

2. Sore throat

Cough accompanied by a sore throat (wheezing cough) is one of the characteristics of a congenital cough. Cough with sore throat is caused by inflammation of the throat due to the virus that causes flu and cough. Decreased immunity in pregnant women makes them susceptible to coughing and sore throat. Sore throat during pregnancy can also be caused by an ulcer or GERD relapse. The rise of stomach acid into the esophagus causes pain in the throat.

3. Shortness of breath

Hormonal changes in pregnant women can cause several complaints, one of which is the characteristic of congenital cough accompanied by shortness of breath. During pregnancy, the hormone progesterone will surge to strengthen the lining of the uterus. In this condition, the body of pregnant women needs a lot of oxygen to adjust to the various oxygen with the fetus.

In addition, congenital cough accompanied by shortness of breath can also occur due to the pressure of the uterus on the chest cavity. So that the lungs do not expand optimally when inhaling. 

4. Cough accompanied by nausea

One of the most common characteristics of congenital cough in pregnancy is a cough accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea. Cough accompanied by nausea that occurs in early pregnancy can occur due to increased pregnancy hormone levels. Moreover, pregnant women usually experience nausea in the early weeks of pregnancy or the first trimester.

However, pregnant women do not need to worry because this cough accompanied by nausea will subside on its own as the gestational age increases. So, the symptoms of nausea accompanied by this cough can be a characteristic of congenital coughing in pregnancy.

5. Runny or stuffy nose

A runny nose or nasal congestion is the next characteristic of congenital cough in pregnancy. Coughing during pregnancy due to a viral infection can also be accompanied by a cough. This happens when the virus infects the respiratory tract which includes the nose, throat and mouth. Coupled with a decreased immune system causes pregnant women to be susceptible to colds. 

How to Cope with Congenital Coughing in Pregnancy

Congenital cough is not dangerous, but this cough condition can interfere with comfort during pregnancy. For this reason, if pregnant women experience the characteristics of congenital coughing, it is advisable to continue handling. 

Overcoming cough during pregnancy requires careful action to ensure the safety of the mother and baby. Here are some steps that can be taken to relieve cough during pregnancy:

  1. Make sure to drink enough fluids to stay hydrated. Fluids can help soften mucus and soothe the throat.
  2. Avoid cough triggers such as cigarette smoke, dust and other substances.
  3. Adopt a healthy diet rich in nutrients and vitamins to boost immunity.
  4. Use throat sprays that are safe for pregnant women.
  5. Gargle with warm salt water to reduce throat irritation.
  6. Adequate rest can help the body recover and strengthen the immune system.

Consult a doctor if the cough persists or gets worse and is accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, shortness of breath or others. Immediately consult a doctor and maybe pregnant women will be prescribed safe drugs. The safe drugs to deal with the characteristics of congenital coughing in pregnancy include:

  • Paracetamol, a medicine to relieve cough with sore throat
  • Antihistamines, drugs to treat dry cough that occurs during pregnancy
  • Dextromethorphan, a medicine to reduce congenital cough in pregnancy
  • Guaifenesin, a medicine to help thin and remove phlegm


Those are the characteristics of congenital pregnancy cough that pregnant women should be aware of. If you experience these symptoms, don't hesitate to see a doctor to get the right treatment.





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