12 Signs Your Baby is Well-fed and Full

12 Signs Your Baby Has Enough Breastmilk You Need to Know

written by : MAKUKU - 5 Apr 2023

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Breastfeeding is the natural and best way to provide nutrition and protection to your baby. However, new moms who are breastfeeding newborns may not know how much milk their little one needs. Because the baby himself cannot communicate when he feels hungry and full. For that, moms need to know how the baby signs enough breast milk.

Signs of a baby getting enough breast milk

1. The baby looks calm and full after breastfeeding

If the baby looks calm and full after breastfeeding, chances are the baby has gotten enough milk needed. A well-fed baby will usually feel comfortable, calm and relaxed. They may fall asleep or stay awake with a full tummy. In addition, full babies also tend to have more regular and slower breathing.

However, it is important to remember that every baby has a different feeding pattern and different milk requirements. Some babies may take longer to feel full, while others may only take a short time. So, you need to observe the previously mentioned signs to ensure that your baby is getting enough milk.

2. Baby gains weight

Weight gain is a sign that the baby is full of enough breast milk. Babies who are adequately breastfed will continue to gain weight every week. Normally, babies will gain about 150-200 grams per week for the first 3-4 months.

3. Frequency of Baby urinating 6-8 times per day

Another characteristic of an adequately breastfed baby can be seen from the frequency of urination. Babies who are adequately breastfed usually urinate at least 6-8 times a day. As for defecation, it is at least 3-4 times a day. However, this number may vary depending on the age of the baby.

4. Baby breastfeeds frequently

Actually, frequent breastfeeding does not always indicate that the baby is sufficiently breastfed. But the sign that the baby is full of breast milk is usually breastfeeding for 10-20 minutes on each side of the breast. IDAI itself recommends that mothers breastfeed their babies 8-12 times a day with an interval of every 2-3 hours.

5. Baby is cheerful and active when waking up

Your baby's activity when waking up can also be a sign that your baby has enough breast milk. Babies who are adequately breastfed will feel fresh and fit after sleeping, and tend to be active and cheerful. They may clench their hands and feet, move and play with their hands, and gaze with interest at their surroundings. In addition, breastfed babies also tend to smile more easily and interact with people around them.

6. Breast milk is swallowed well

A sign that your baby is well-fed is when they are able to swallow the milk well during feeds. When babies suckle, they should be able to suck firmly, swallow the milk smoothly, and show active jaw and lip movements while feeding. Active jaw and lip movements indicate that the baby is feeding effectively and is able to extract milk from your breast.

7. Yellow stool color

Yellow stool color in babies generally indicates that your baby is getting enough breast milk. Babies who receive enough breast milk usually have yellow or greenish stools with a soft texture and peanut butter-like consistency. This yellow color is caused by bilirubin, a substance produced when red blood cells are broken down in the baby's body.

8. Clear-colored urine

The color of a baby's urine is not always a sure sign that your baby is adequately breastfed, but clear urine can be one of the signs that your baby is adequately breastfed. Babies who are adequately breastfed usually pass clear-colored urine and a lot of it in a day.

9. Good digestion

Breastfed babies usually have a smooth digestion because breast milk contains nutrients that are easily digested and absorbed by the baby's body. Signs of smooth digestion in babies include yellow or greenish stools with a soft texture and peanut butter-like consistency, and babies who defecate with good frequency. Also, babies who are adequately breastfed are less likely to experience constipation or diarrhea.

However, keep in mind that an underfed baby can also have a smooth digestion, and conversely, an adequately breastfed baby can also have digestive problems.

10. Baby sleeps well

Infants who are adequately breastfed tend to sleep soundly and calmly after feeding. They will also wake up with a full stomach and feel satisfied.

11. Mother does not menstruate for 3 months

Menstrual cycles in breastfeeding mothers can vary depending on the frequency and duration of breastfeeding, the age of the baby, and the mother's hormone levels. Some mothers may experience a return of menstruation after a few weeks or months after giving birth, while others may not experience it for months or even during the entire breastfeeding period. So, a mother may go 3 months straight without her period due to breastfeeding.

12. Breast feels softer after breastfeeding

A mother's breasts feeling softer after breastfeeding is not a sure sign that the baby is getting enough milk. However, it can be a sign that the baby has suckled well and emptied most of the milk in the breast. After a baby has suckled, the breasts will usually feel softer and less firm than before breastfeeding.

What if the baby still wants to suckle even though they are full?

There are several reasons why a baby may still want to suckle even though they are quite full. Some of these are:

  1.  The need for comfort: The baby may feel comfortable while breastfeeding and feel comforted by mom's warmth and presence.
  2. The need for security: The baby feels safe and comfortable when close to the mother and feels happy when near the nipple.
  3. Need for physical contact: Babies also need physical contact with their mothers, such as breastfeeding or just being close to their mothers, to feel calm and comfortable.
  4. Changes in nutritional needs: The baby may need more breast milk than usual because it is growing and developing rapidly.
  5. Milk production signals: The baby may want to trigger milk production by feeding more frequently, especially at certain times such as during the night.

However, if the baby persistently wants to feed despite being full enough, this could be a sign that there is a problem or disturbance in the baby's diet or health. In this case, it is best to consult a pediatrician or lactation consultant to find out the cause and get the right advice.

Helping Children Get Enough Breast Milk

Breast milk is the best intake for babies up to the age of 2 years. Although at the age of six months, babies get solid food as a companion, babies still need enough breast milk. That way, the nutritional needs for his body can be met properly. Here are tips that moms can do to help babies get enough breast milk intake.

1. Determine the Breastfeeding Schedule

In general, there are no standard rules when mothers should breastfeed their little ones. However, by implementing a breastfeeding schedule can make the baby get enough milk intake. In addition, mothers must be sensitive to the signs that the baby is hungry and wants to suckle. Basically, breastfeeding is recommended on-demad. That is, breastfeed whenever the baby shows signs of hunger or wants to suckle.

2. Babies need a regular schedule of defecation and toileting

A healthy baby is a sign that the baby is getting enough breast milk. Every baby has a different pattern of urination and defecation. But as the baby gets older, the pattern of defecation and bowel movements will change and become more regular.

3. Increases Breast Milk Production

Eating a healthy and balanced diet is very important during breastfeeding. Because any type of food eaten by the mother can affect milk production. Breastfeeding mothers are advised to increase foods that contain protein, carbohydrates, green vegetables, and fruits. In addition, pregnant women must also avoid foods and drinks and habits that can inhibit breast milk production.

Well, those are the signs of a baby with enough milk and fullness that parents must know in order to support the growth and development of their little one. In order for the breastfeeding process to run more smoothly, mom must also ensure the comfort of the child. For example, comfortable diapers to minimize the baby's discomfort while breastfeeding. Choose super thin diapers that are super absorbent and anti-clump from MAKUKU SAP Diapers Slim Care. (Aq/MKK)






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