World Breastfeeding Week, Step up for Breastfeeding: Educate & Support

World Breastfeeding Week aims to encourage breastfeeding and improve the health of babies around the world. This year's theme is Step up for Breastfeeding

2022-08-01 17:42:17
2022-08-01 17:42:17
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Pura-Pura Sayang, Sudah Tahu Tanda Pasangan Selingkuh?

One of the issue in marriage is infidelity. It can damage the harmony of the relationship & worstly lead to divorce. Here are the signs of a cheating spouse

2022-07-31 22:27:17
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MAKUKU Present at MB Fair 2022 Surabaya, Lots of Interesting Promos!

MAKUKU as a mother and child consultant who provides quality products to understand and meet the needs of mothers and children is present at MB Fair 2022 on 29-31 July 2022 at booth B3, Tunjungan Convention Center, Tunjungan Plaza 3 Surabaya. MB Fair itself is the largest and most comprehensive mother-daughter exhibition which is back offline after successfully holding it in Jakarta last March.

2022-07-26 13:46:06
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Celebrate National Children's Day, Come Join the Coloring Competition with MAKUKU

Every child has different potentials and interests. As a parent, you should help your little one find talent, what he wants and develop it. Parents can direct their little ones to some positive interests such as drawing or coloring. However, parents should not force their child to explore certain interests that are not in accordance with the child's. In commemoration of National Children's Day on July 23, MAKUKU has a campaign themed “Every Child's Dream” by holding a coloring competition.

2022-07-25 14:56:53
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Baby's skin is born peeling, is it dangerous?

Every parent will devote their love to the newborn. Parents will also always care for, maintain and give the best, especially in the early days of life. Changes that occur in babies born may be things that parents pay full attention to. One of them is the baby's skin is born peeling and sensitive. In fact, it is not uncommon for parents to feel excessive worry about this.

2022-07-21 15:41:42
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5 Steps to Care for Newborn

The umbilical cord in newborns should be cared for in the right way. Here are the benefits and steps for newborn umbilical cord care.

2022-07-21 15:07:15
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When is the right time to have sex again after giving birth?

Having sex after giving birth may be something that mom is reluctant to do in the near future. Not to mention the worries and fears of having sex again after giving birth. This is a natural thing that happens considering the body goes through a lot during childbirth and is still recovering. Many questions may arise, such as when is the right time to return to sex after giving birth to how to have safe sex after giving birth.

2022-07-14 09:59:05
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Can Baby Diapers Expire?

Most moms always stock up on diapers in large quantities every month. Perhaps this habit raises the question of whether diapers have an expiration date or not? If so, is it dangerous for your little one to use expired diapers?

2022-07-14 09:36:33
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More Pregnant Program? These 6 Steps to Prepare for Pregnancy

Most married couples crave the presence of a baby in a small family. No wonder a husband and wife do promil so that the wife gets pregnant quickly. So that preparation for pregnancy goes smoothly and the fetus in the womb is healthy, there are several steps to prepare for pregnancy.

2022-07-12 15:24:57
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National Child Obesity Week 2022, Identify 5 Causes of Overweight in Children

Every early July, 4-10 JULY 2022, is celebrated as National Child Obesity Week 2022 in the United Kingdom. MAKUKU as a mother and child consultant pays attention to this issue. In Indonesia alone, the Ministry of Health reports, as many as 41 million children under the age of 5 years are overweight and obese.

2022-07-07 09:23:51
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The Challenge of Working Mothers: The Difficulty of Balancing Career and Life

Being both a mother and a career woman is not easy. Many of the obstacles that are actually experienced by this working mother. Not a few working mothers who admit difficulties in balancing career and life. Especially to divide the time between work and family. Plus, people's views of working mothers, as well as personal problems that must be passed.

2022-07-01 09:39:40
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National Family Day 2022: The Importance of Preventing Stunting

National Family Day or Harganas is celebrated every 29 June. Harganas is an embodiment of the importance of the family in efforts to strengthen national resilience. As the smallest institution in society, the family is an important foundation for the initial development of the nation's character.

2022-06-29 15:05:30
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Get to know the right diaper for newborns and how to choose

It As a parent, of course, you always want to give the best for your child. Especially if the little one is just born, everything that concerns him is the first thing that is given. Of course you can't just choose, as well as choosing a diaper. Mom and Dad must be careful in choosing the model, the leak resistance to the material that is safe for your little one's skin. In order not to be wrong in choosing diapers for newborns, here are tips for choosing the right diapers for newborns:

2022-06-29 13:41:51
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