Parenting Tips That You Can Learn from Kimbab Family

Parenting Tips That You Can Learn from Kimbab Family

written by : MAKUKU - 11 Sep 2021

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Have you ever watched Kimbab Family?

Kimbab Family is a channel on YouTube that contains daily vlogs of a family in South Korea. This family consists of Mama Gina from Indonesia, her husband Appa Jay from South Korea, and their three children; Suji (7 years), Yunji (5 years) and Jio (3 years).

Interestingly, there are many things that we can learn about parenting tips for educating children through their vlogs. Anything? Let's see!

  1. Teaching Multi-Cultural Understanding

Suji, Yunji and Jio grew up in a multi-cultural family because they have a father from South Korea and a mother from Indonesia. But both Mama Gina and Appa Jay always use their mother tongue in family conversations. This made the three children aware of their origins and have more tolerance between cultures.

  1. Educating Children to Respect Each Other

Mama Gina and Papa Jay always praise or appreciate the efforts of their three children. This is done by them to teach children about the importance of appreciating effort and also to make them grow up to be confident children.

  1. When Kids Are Naughty or Make Mistakes, It's Time to Reflect

It is undeniable that children can still make various mistakes. But Mama Gina and Appa Jay made the moment a special time for their children to reflect on their mistakes. Usually Mama Gina and Appa Jay will ask the children to reflect in their room while thinking about the mistakes they made, how they felt and what they learned from those mistakes.

  1. Treating Boys and Girls Fairly

With 2 daughters and 1 son, Kimbab Family always tries to teach their children to see humans not based on their gender and provide an understanding that all humans are equal.

  1. Teaching Children To Be Independent Since Small

Sometimes Mama Gina and Appa Jay involve their three children in small family conversations or discussions. In this way, it is hoped that children will get used to weighing and making decisions so that they can practice independent thinking. In addition, they also teach them to do various activities on their own, such as tidying up toys and tidying up their own things to form independent habits.

Although every family is unique and different, it turns out that there are also many things that we can learn from the Kimbab Family to be applied in the family, Moms. Hopefully these tips are useful to be an inspiration for Moms in nurturing, educating and teaching the Little One in the family.

For other tips about parenting, you can join the MAKUKU Family Membership.

In addition, find a variety of MAKUKU products that can help you support your little one's growth and development on our website.

Source: Channel Kimbab Family












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