Show Your SAP Diapers, MAKUKU Competition Video with Hundreds of Million Prizes

Show Your SAP Diapers, MAKUKU Competition Video with Hundreds of Million Prizes

written by : MAKUKU - 23 Mar 2022

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MAKUKU has released a new diaper called MAKUKU Air Diapers Slim. Sticking to the SAP core structure, MAKUKU Air Diapers Slim is superior to other diapers. Carrying the core structure of SAP, MAKUKU wants Mommy and Daddy as well as the wider community to be more familiar with the core structure of SAP.

To that end, MAKUKU held a competition video with the theme “Show Your SAP Diapers”. Well, for Mommy and Daddy who want to take part in the Show Your SAP Diapers competition video, you can post your video review on Instagram or TikTok and win MAKUKU Air Diapers Slim and cash with a total of hundreds of millions of rupiah.


  1. Make a video where you review MAKUKU Air Diapers Slim.
  2. At the end of the video, say “MAKUKU starts the SAP era”.
  3. Upload videos on Instagram reels or TikTok (videos must be different).
  4. Use the hashtag #MAKUKUMemulaiEraSAP #MAKUKUAirDiapersSlim #MAKUKUAirDiapersAntiGumpal.
  5. Tag @makuku.indonesia.official and minimum 3 friends.


  1. Follow the official MAKUKU Instagram account @makuku.indonesia.official, MAKUKU Indonesia Facebook, and TikTok @makukuindonesia.official.
  2. Maximum video length is 1 minute.
  3. Make sure your account is not in private mode.
  4. You can upload more than 1 video, on Instagram or TikTok as long as the video is not the same.
  5. Do not show other brand's products in the video.
  6. It is recommended to review the product according to the advantages of MAKUKU Air Diapers Slim, including:
  • MAKUKU is the first brand to use SAP's core structure.
  • Anti-clotting, comfortable, not easy to leak.
  • Thin, only 1.6 mm, light weight, baby happy all day long.
  • Locks the liquid well, the surface of the diaper becomes drier


There will be three categories of winners:

  • Consolation winner
  • Weekly
  • Main

Winners Weekly winners are announced every Friday at 17.00 WIB on Instagram @makuku.indonesia.official and TikTok @makukuindonesia.official. The main winner will be announced at the end of the period. Each participant will be assessed based on compliance with the terms and conditions. The jury's decision is final and cannot be contested. Any cheating will result in disqualification.

Entertainment Winner:

  1. Get MAKUKU Air Diapers Slim for FREE if the video gets more than 88 likes on Instagram or TikTok (Does not apply to multiples).
  2. Limited to 10,000 people in total on Instagram and TikTok platforms.
  3. Get FREE MAKUKU Air Slim Diapers by reposting expert videos and getting 188 likes on Instagram and TikTok (Does not apply to multiples).

Weekly Winners:

  1. 10 people selected from each of the Instagram and TikTok platforms.
  2. 1 weekly winner gets 2 packs of MAKUKU Air Diapers and Rp 2 million in cash.
  3. Weekly winners are determined based on the highest number of likes outside of entertainment winners (cannot win two categories at once).

Main Winner First:

  1.  place winner, second place winner and third winner will be selected based on the highest number of likes at the end of the period.
  2. 1st place winner gets MAKUKU Air Diapers Slim FREE for 1 year (50 packs) + IDR 15 million.
  3. Second place winner gets MAKUKU Air Diapers Slim FREE for 6 months (25 packs) + IDR 10 million.
  4. Third place winner gets MAKUKU Air Diapers Slim FREE for 3 months (15 packs) + Rp. 7.5 million in cash.

For more information about Show Your SAP Diapers, the competition video can be seen on the Instagram account @makuku.indonesia.official. (Aq/MKK)













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