Happy International Family Day 2022: Family and Urbanization

Happy International Family Day 2022: Family and Urbanization

written by : MAKUKU - 18 May 2022

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Every year on May 15, the whole world celebrates International Day of Families. The commemoration of International Family Day is held to highlight the importance of the relationship between families to improve welfare in terms of health, education, gender equality, children's rights and social inclusion.

This year, the theme of International Family Day is family and urbanization. This theme aims to raise awareness of the importance of sustainable and family-friendly development.

Launching from the United Nations website, urbanization itself is one of the most important megatrends shaping the world and the lives and well-being of families worldwide. Sustainable urbanization is linked to the achievement of several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and targets, such as SDG-1 (Poverty Eradication); SDG-3 (Good health and well-being); SDG-11 (Making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable); and SDG-10 (Reducing inequality within and between countries). Achieving this target depends on how well urbanization is managed to benefit families and improve the well-being of all generations living in cities.

Maybe this International Family Day is rarely known. However, International Family Day can be used as a moment to build close relationships between family members. To make International Family Day even more exciting, Mommy and Daddy can do some simple things such as watching movies together, eating together, hanging out together without gadgets, doing volunteer activities to increase cohesiveness to family picnics.

MAKUKU support for Indonesian families

MAKUKU as a mother and child consultant always tries to support the needs of mothers and children by providing quality products, one of which is anti-clotting diapers MAKUKU Air Diapers. In addition to providing high quality products, MAKUKU is also happy and proud to have a role to be part of the family in providing information, education related to children's health and professional needs.

For information related to promos and about parenting education, Mommy and Daddy can follow Instagram @makuku.indonesia.official and the MAKUKU.co.id website. Happy International Family Day, Mommy and Daddy! (Aq/MKK)








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