Can Baby Diapers Expire?

Can Baby Diapers Expire?

written by : MAKUKU - 14 Jul 2022

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Most moms always stock up on diapers in large quantities every month. Perhaps this habit raises the question of whether diapers have an expiration date or not? If so, is it dangerous for your little one to use expired diapers?

Actually, disposable diapers do not have a specific expiration date or shelf life, as long as they are stored properly. Baby diapers are not like food products that have an expiration date. In general, these disposable baby diapers are still good to use for up to two years from purchase. With a note, the diaper has not been opened and stored in a clean place. Avoid storing diapers in a damp place to prevent mold. Diapers should be stored in a closed place.

Storage of diapers that are careless and too long can also affect the quality of diapers. So, the better the storage can maintain the quality and extend the shelf life of the diaper. Diapers that are old can experience a decrease in quality. As the diaper loses its function and effectiveness so that the diaper easily leaks and the absorption is not good which makes the surface of the diaper moist.

Moist diapers can trigger several skin problems in babies, namely diaper rash, irritation to allergies. In addition, the diaper becomes unfit for use and undergoes several changes. These include discoloration, aroma changes, reduced absorption and leakage problems.

How to Store the Right Diaper So It Doesn't Get Damaged

It's important for moms and dads to know how to store the right diapers so they don't get damaged quickly. An easy way to store diapers so that they last longer is to store the diapers in their original packaging. Make sure the re-opened packaging is closed so that it is airtight and does not accelerate the decomposition of materials, odors and absorption of vapors.

In addition, avoid exposure to direct sunlight to prevent changes in the color of the diaper. It also aims to protect the diaper from heat which can degrade the quality of the diaper. And do not store diapers in damp places such as in the bathroom. (Aq/MKK)









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