The Importance of Family Lifestyle During the Covid-19

The Importance of Family Lifestyle During the Covid-19

written by : MAKUKU - 25 Feb 2022

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Pandemic The Covid-19 has not ended. Family health is very important to maintain. One way to maintain family health is to adjust the lifestyle for a healthy and strong physical condition. The importance of a healthy family lifestyle can increase immunity so you don't get sick easily and experience depression during the pandemic. Especially in children who need extra attention in this regard.

A healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle that pays attention to all aspects of health. A healthy lifestyle is closely related to a lifestyle that is lived daily to a balanced diet. Like Mom influencer Vibrie who shared her experience on the V-Radio Talkshow with MAKUKU on February 24, 2022. Vibrie has a way of managing the family's diet.

According to Vibrie, in maintaining a diet, one must be able to maintain consistency in providing a healthy menu for the family. The family's daily menu is always complete, such as the four healthy five perfect menu. For example, ensuring the intake of fruits and vegetables every day to be served to the family. Vibrie admitted trying to serve food in various types.

"The most challenging thing is the food preparation and our consistency to be able to prepare healthy food every day. If we can, we serve the food on the plate in various colors. There are green and orange ones which we know contain fiber, it's good, right," explained the woman who works as pharmacist.

Parents should also always learn to introduce healthy food, especially to children. According to him, the introduction of nutritious food must be nurtured from the beginning from complementary foods so that it can influence the little one in trying different types of healthy food. Because, actually a healthy lifestyle can be transmitted to other people, especially family, friends, and neighbors so that they can feel the many benefits. 

Healthy lifestyles in babies can also be influenced by the choice of diapers which are important in supporting their growth and development. Moreover, children's skin is prone to skin problems and is sensitive. The solution to prevent and reduce skin problems in children is to use MAKUKU Air Diapers. MAKUKU Air Diapers contain a SAP (Super Absorbent Polymer) core structure which makes MAKUKU diapers lump-free, super thin and extra dry.

To get MAKUKU Air Diapers, Mommy and Daddy can buy them at the MAKUKU Family Store and e-commerce Shopee, Lazada, Tokopedia, BliBli, JD.ID and TikTok Shop. For other information about parenting, Mommy and Daddy can also follow Instagram @makuku.indonesia.official and visit the website. (Aq/MKK)


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