The Importance of Father's Role in Parenting

The Importance of Father's Role in Parenting

written by : MAKUKU - 3 Nov 2021

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Usually the wife who bears more of the task in raising children. After all, caring for children is the responsibility of husband and wife. Yes, the role and figure of the father is very important in parenting which will affect the growth and development of his little one later.

Reporting from the official website of the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, children who do not get the role of a father at the parenting age, which is between 7-14 years and 8-15 years, will experience an imbalance between growth and development. This is usually because parents only focus on the growth of their little ones. As a result, the child experiences a decline in his developmental age compared to his growth due to a lack of stimulation from both parents.

Indonesia itself is included in the top 10 countries with fatherless, a condition where the father is only physically present but is not involved in the development of the child. Basically there are three ideal roles of a father, namely connecting offspring, earning a living and the role of a father consisting of loving, coaching, modeling (loving, training and being a model). Unfortunately, the role of a father began to shift with the role of caregivers outside the nuclear family such as baby sitters.

In other words, the father's role can affect his social life, academic or educational grades and the future of the little one. The impact of the importance of the role of a father as follows:

Influence on children's success

The Father Involvement Research Alliance institution found that children who develop with the involvement of a father, in daughters, will grow up as confident children. While the boys will make it more focused. So that they can get a higher education and a good career.

Provision for the future of his family

The father will be a model for his children to follow. How he treats his mother has a huge impact on a child's behavior in adult relationships. One study found that girls who are close to their fathers tend to have healthy relationships with their partners. Whereas in boys, later he will be more polite and respect women.

In addition, the role of fathers and mothers or dual parenting can make children more disciplined, dare to take risks, can protect their little ones and become friends. For this reason, the involvement of fathers in parenting and education has a very positive impact.

To get other updated parenting questions, you can follow Makuku.Indonesia.Official Instagram. And join as a MAKUKU Family membership to get many other benefits such as free consultations with trusted experts and doctors as well as enjoying other promos from Makuku Family.

Author: Aqiyu Purbosuli







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