MAKUKU Introduces SAP MAKUKU Technology for Indonesian Families at Family 100 Indonesia Event

MAKUKU Introduces SAP MAKUKU Technology for Indonesian Families at Family 100 Indonesia Event

written by : MAKUKU - 25 Jul 2023

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Family 100 has always been a favorite entertainment event for families in Indonesia which aired again on MNC TV. In this family-themed quiz, MAKUKU introduced SAP (Super Absorbent Polymer) technology that can help reduce baby diaper rash. So far, parents' awareness on diaper selection and its absorbent base material is minimal. MAKUKU wants parents to pay more attention to the need for high quality diapers for their little ones to ensure a better quality of life.

Irfan Hakim as the host of Family 100 recommends MAKUKU diapers for pregnant women who are preparing diapers for newborns. MAKUKU uses SAP technology which is anti clumpy and super thin super absorbent. The use of SAP in MAKUKU diapers can provide good benefits for baby moms and dads.

Moreover, MAKUKU prioritizes comfort for newborns who are using diapers for the first time. MAKUKU features a u-shape belly button to protect the umbilical cord of newborns who have not yet separated.

"MAKUKU uses SAP (Super Absorbent Polymer) core structure which makes MAKUKU super thin, super absorbent and also anti-clump. In addition, the most important thing for the newborn variant is the fitru belly button u-shape. This feature serves to protect the umbilical cord of newborn babies which is very sensitive," he explained.

Now MAKUKU has six variants that moms and dads can choose according to the needs of their little ones, including MAKUKU SAP Diapers Pro Care, MAKUKU SAP Diapers Balance Care, MAKUKU SAP Diapers Slim, MAKUKU SAP Diapers Slim Care, MAKUKU SAP Diapers Comfort, and MAKUKU SAP Diapers Comfort Fit.

"MAKUKU also has MAKUKU SAP Diapers Comfort Fit variant which is more economical. Hurry up and buy it at your favorite offline or e-commerce stores. Afraid of diaper rash, use MAKUKU!" said Irfan Hakim.

What is SAP?

SAP (Super Absorbent Polymer) is a powder-shaped absorbent material that will turn into a gel when absorbing your little one's urine fluid. The liquid that has been absorbed by SAP will be bound and locked properly. The liquid will not seep back to the surface of the diaper so as to reduce the risk of leakage even though your child moves a lot and in any position. The surface of the diaper will also dry longer which can maintain the moisture of your child's skin.

SAP has been widely used by diapers in several developed countries such as the United States, Japan, China, and Europe. In Indonesia itself, the use of SAP as an absorbent material for diapers is not new. However, most diapers sold in the market still use SAP with a mixture of pulp (wood fiber or cotton). While MAKUKU SAP Diapers are designed with SAP technology without pulp mixture.

Indonesia's First Super Thin Super Absorbent Anti Clump Diaper

MAKUKU as the pioneer of the first anti clump diaper in Indonesia has proven it by winning the MURI record. Since its launch, MAKUKU has been positively welcomed by moms in various regions. The problem of clumping diapers and its impact on children has now become an issue that parents are starting to pay attention to.

According to a mini survey conducted, parents realize that clumpy diapers are one of the problems in diapers that should be avoided in addition to the problem of leaky diapers. Non-clump diapers have many benefits for your child's development and health. Using anti-clump diapers can reduce the risk of leakage and diaper rash and allow your little one to move freely without being hampered by clumpy diapers.

All MAKUKU diapers can be purchased easily offline and online, moms and dads. Fear of Diaper Rash Use MAKUKU! (Aq/MKK)







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