Knowledge - Parenting - Why Moms Should Choose Diapers with High Absorbency

Knowledge - Parenting - Why Moms Should Choose Diapers with High Absorbency

written by : MAKUKU - 21 Oct 2021

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Every parent wants to choose the best for their baby and child. From the love of parents, nutritional needs, cute clothes and toys and of course the best baby for the little one.

In choosing a diaper, there are lots of diapers on the market with various benefits and functions that sell. However, what exactly do you need to pay attention to when choosing a diaper for your little one?

As a mother and child consultant in Indonesia, MAKUKU Family recommends that you choose one with high absorption. Come on, see below.

Diapers with High Absorbency Make Baby More Comfortable because it Doesn't Clump

Clogged diapers will feel thick when worn by the baby. This indicates a lot of fluid that is accommodated and is not absorbed evenly and quickly, thus making the baby uncomfortable and feels like an object such as an attached tube.
High absorption diapers made of SAP or Super Absorbent Polymer. The material can absorb air stably, so that the absorption can be very fast and the shelves are evenly distributed. In this way, the baby's diaper does not change the cycle.

No Reverse Osmosis Occurs During Diaper Wear

High absorbency diapers are also important to prevent reverse osmosis. Reverse osmosis occurs when the diaper is under pressure and the liquid/gel cannot lock the fluid in the diaper so that air escapes and the baby comes out.
Make sure if this happens, the baby will feel uncomfortable. Especially if your little one is in a period of growth and development so they move more. In addition, baby's skin can also feel itchy

Prevents Red Rashes and Skin Irritation in Babies
This is very important for Moms to pay attention to because diaper rash can be a prolonged problem. Apart from irritating the skin, if left unchecked, it can invite various problems with your little one's sensitive skin.
Diapers with high absorption tend to have a good absorption capacity. In addition, air circulation is also smooth so that the skin surface remains dry and not easily irritated.

Well Moms, that's why Moms choose diapers with high absorption and made from SAP (Super Absorbent Polymer) for your little one. The SAP material itself has a good quality, so it is easy to absorb liquids very easily. stay comfortable and can move freely at will.

For other important information related to baby products, health and other parenting tips, don't forget to follow MAKUKU  Indonesia, a mother and child consultant, on Instagram

Author: Yasinta Mayestika







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