When is the right time to have sex again after giving birth?

When is the right time to have sex again after giving birth?

written by : MAKUKU - 14 Jul 2022

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Having sex after giving birth may be something that mom is reluctant to do in the near future. Not to mention the worries and fears of having sex again after giving birth. This is a natural thing that happens considering the body goes through a lot during childbirth and is still recovering. Many questions may arise, such as when is the right time to return to sex after giving birth to how to have safe sex after giving birth.

Regardless of the method of delivery, experts advise resting the pelvis first so that the body recovers from the effects of childbirth. This is done to reduce the risk of complications at the age of delivery. Such as infection in childbirth scars, either incisions or tears, which are prone to complications during the first two weeks after delivery.

As for the right time to have sex again after giving birth, there really isn't an ideal time or waiting period. However, intercourse should be done after 4-6 weeks after giving birth. Even some experts say should wait for 12 weeks or more.

In addition, every woman has a different readiness to be able to have sex again after giving birth. Of course this is closely related to physical to emotional readiness. One of the important considerations for restarting sex with a husband after giving birth is the support from the closest environment, the level of fatigue to the magnitude of the desire to have sex. The reason is, not a few moms who are less passionate about having sex due to physical and emotional changes.

Tips for maintaining sexual arousal and not being afraid to have sex

Maintaining sexual intimacy in married couples does not only have to have sex. This can be done by stroking each other, kissing, hugging or oral sex. After giving birth, sex may be less passionate and satisfying. Even aches and pains can be a frightening specter for mom.

So that sex is not scary, there are several ways mom can do it. Like doing Kegel exercises to train the pelvic floor and vaginal muscles. And eat a healthy and balanced diet. If you are still unsure about having sex after giving birth, you can consult a doctor. (Aq/MKK)












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