When is the First Menstruation After Childbirth?

When is the First Menstruation After Childbirth?

written by : MAKUKU - 30 Aug 2022

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During 9 months pregnant, Mom did not experience menstruation or menstruation during this time. After giving birth, the cycle that occurs every month will come back. However, the time of the first menstruation after giving birth in every woman is different. So, when is it normal for you to have your first period after giving birth?

Usually moms will get their first period after 40 days after giving birth or after the postpartum period is over. Mother's first menstruation after giving birth is actually influenced by the breastfeeding process. For mothers who breastfeed their little ones consistently, the first menstruation will usually be delayed for up to 8 weeks and beyond. This is why some moms take up to a year for their first period. Menstruation can return after the mother stops breastfeeding her baby.

Meanwhile, mothers who are not breastfeeding can get menstruation 1-2 months after giving birth. The thing to note is that if you have had your period once after giving birth but don't have a period the following month, then the chances of getting pregnant again are very high.

After giving birth, the menstrual cycle can change with before giving birth. Maybe the menstrual cycle can be longer or even shorter. Menstruation can also be different, such as more frequent cramps, abdominal pain, heavy blood flow to irregular menstrual cycles. All of this depends on the condition of your health and your body, which takes time to adjust. And, don't worry because these complaints will lessen over time.

In addition, moms must be able to distinguish between bleeding and normal menstruation. Mothers who give birth by cesarean are very susceptible to bleeding. This bleeding can last for 6-8 weeks postpartum. The thing to note is that this bleeding does not include menstruation, but lochia.

Lochia is normal blood that comes out after childbirth as the body's natural way of cleansing the uterus. This lochia blood comes out quite a lot during the puerperium and will decrease in a matter of days or weeks. Blood that comes out in the form of blood clots or blood flow like menstruation. And the smell is normal like the smell of blood in general.

For moms who find several blood clots that are quite large and heavy 24 hours after giving birth, there is no need to panic. Because, not all the bleeding that comes out is liquid. This blood clot usually comes from tissue in the uterus and birth canal. These blood clots normally come out when the uterus contracts and shrinks to return to its original size.

Now, after knowing when menstruation returns after giving birth and how it is normal and not, you should immediately check your health condition if you believe there is something abnormal after giving birth. (Aq/MKK)














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