Don't sprinkle powder, this is way to deal with prickly heat in babies

Don't sprinkle powder, this is way to deal with prickly heat in babies

written by : MAKUKU - 8 Sep 2022

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Babies' soft skin is still thin and sensitive compared to adults. The condition of your little one's skin is still sensitive, it is possible to get skin problems. Baby skin problems such as prickly heat are most commonly found in newborns to toddlers. Prickly heat in babies can be overcome with home remedies, here are the reviews:

Prickly heat often occurs especially when the weather is hot. Prickly heat in babies is a skin health problem characterized by the appearance of small fluid-filled spots or a red rash on the skin. Prickly heat is a skin problem in babies that is not dangerous. However, babies with prickly heat will be fussy due to discomfort due to itching.

Launching from various sources, newborns or newborns are most susceptible to prickly heat.becausethe skin pores are still small and the sweat glands in newborns are not fully developed. While the cause of prickly heat is thick clothing that triggers excessive sweating and does not absorb sweat, heat and fever.

In infants, prickly heat usually appears on the neck, armpits, elbow folds, buttocks, back and groin. Similar to babies, prickly heat in adults appears in skin folds that rub against clothing.

How long does it take for prickly heat in babies to disappear?

Prickly heat in babies is not a serious skin problem, but it should still be treated quickly. Proper skin care measures can cure prickly heat in about 2-3 days from the start of the appearance of red spots on the skin.

How to deal with prickly heat in your little one

Actually special treatment for babies with prickly heat is not needed, mom and dad just need to do prevention and proper skin care. When experiencing prickly heat, your little one will feel itchy, hot and small red spots appear on the surface of the skin. There are several ways that mom and dad can do to deal with prickly heat, as follows:

Take a cold shower

Prickly heat can be removed when the temperature of the surrounding environment decreases or does not sting the skin. Mom and dad can use cold water for bathing. Because it can clean clogged skin pores.

Cold Compress

Almost the same as taking a cold shower, treating prickly heat to quickly disappear can be done by means of a cold compress on the area affected by prickly heat.

Make the room cooler

Prickly heat can arise due to hot weather. For this reason, the room or place where the baby is located should be made cooler, with air conditioning or a fan. Move the baby to a cooler place to keep the baby's skin dry and cool.

Special cream for prickly heat

Mom and dad can use a cream or medicine from a doctor that contains about 1 percent hydrocortisone. Apply 3 times a day on the itchy prickly heat. Avoid using ointments as they can clog sweat and make itching worse.

Keep the skin

clean Keeping the skin clean is very necessary especially when prickly heat attacks. Mom and dad must clean the folds of the skin regularly to make sure the trapped sweat and oil doesn't spread and turn into a rash.

Avoid using powder

Not a few parents who still use powder in the treatment to remove prickly heat. When your child is exposed to prickly heat, avoid using powder on the skin that has prickly heat. Because the powder that is sprinkled on the sweaty skin area will actually invite a bacterial or fungal infection.

When to take your little one with prickly heat to the doctor?

Although it is a harmless skin problem, it does not mean that prickly heat in babies is left alone. Because prickly heat without proper treatment will not disappear by itself.

Mom and dad should also be aware if your little one has prickly heat accompanied by pus, a red rash that lasts more than 3 days, fever, does not want to breastfeed and others. If mom and dad encounter the above symptoms in your little one, don't hesitate to take your little one to a doctor to get the right treatment. (Aq/MKK)








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