Can Be Missing Drugs, Here Are A Row Of Films About Fathers And Children

Can Be Missing Drugs, Here Are A Row Of Films About Fathers And Children

written by : MAKUKU - 3 Nov 2021

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In addition to the mother, the presence of a father figure is also very important in the family. Maybe most children are rarely close to a father who looks indifferent but firm. No wonder that many underestimate the closeness between father and son.

In fact, the relationship between father and son is not as strong as that of the mother and is not to be compared. The following is a list of recommended films from Indonesia and abroad that tell the story of the struggle of a father figure:

Fatherhood (2021)

From this film we can learn how the struggle of a father who takes care of his baby since birth. A man named Matt Logelin, played by Kevin Hart has a wife named Liz Logelin (Deborah Ayorinde). Their married life grew happier with the child still in her womb. But unfortunately, Liz died a few hours after giving birth.

From there, Matt's struggle as a father must be able to double the role of being a mother. Matt chose to raise his own child without the help of his parents. Matt's figure shown has a patient nature and always prioritizes his children. The film Fatherhood presents a family story that is packaged in the comedy drama genre, light but touching. The 110-minute film also gives a moral message that the strength of a father is able to raise his child well even without a wife.

Sejuta Sayang Untuknya (2020)

Dedy Mizwar who plays the Sagala actor is a single parent who is required to be able to meet household needs. The financial factor is the main problem that the actor must face as a father. Where he works only as an idealistic extra actor who makes his income not enough for the daily needs that are very much and urgent.

With all the limitations and shortcomings, the actor remains determined to be able to shape his daughter Gina so that she can grow well and be able to experience college. Presenting problem after problem, as if teaching the current social reality but never giving up for a father. The audience will be presented with a touching scene that can bring tears to their eyes.

Miracle Cell no. 7 (2013)

Miracle Cell no. 7 is a Korean drama that is very catchy and memorable. This film tells of a father with mental limitations who are in the wrong time and place. So the father, starring Ryu Seung-ryong, had to accept the punishment of foam and parted with his 7-year-old daughter. However, due to the help of the inmates in cell number 7, the father and son were finally able to spend the rest of the time together. This film will stir the feelings of those who watch it. In addition to the touching story, the emotional acting of the actors also makes the story more exciting.

Cargo (2017)

Unlike the previous stories about fathers, Cargo's film takes the theme of family where the struggle of a father is trying hard to find help to keep his son alive. Directed by Yolanda Ramke and Ben Howling, this film tells the story of a husband and wife and their daughter who are in exile from a zombie attack. Later, the father found a ship containing items that were still useful for survival. But unfortunately, his wife was injured and it was discovered that the wound was a zombie bite. Because the wife is about to turn into a zombie, the father seeks help to protect his son.

Keluarga Cemara (2019)

The legendary cypress family story is brought back with a fresh version. The film, which was released in 2019, tells the story of the life journey of the Abah family and his wife who has two daughters. At first Abah's life was very affluent, but the problems Abah experienced in his work made him bankrupt.

Abah and his family moved to a simple house far from the city. Abah as the head of the family is very responsible for the happiness of his family. That's what prompted Abah to think hard to survive with his family. Abah's patient nature adds value and moral message to this film. Abah teaches to remain steadfast and always compact with family in any difficult circumstances.







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