With hundreds of Million Prizes in total, MAKUKU Holds Photo and Video Contests Best Gift of Love Challenge

With hundreds of Million Prizes in total, MAKUKU Holds Photo and Video Contests Best Gift of Love Challenge

written by : MAKUKU - 18 Oct 2022

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Family is the most beautiful form of gift in life. The presence of family can make life more valuable. In a family, parents give their best for the growth and development of their little ones in various forms. Not only in material matters but the best things can also be expressed with love.

Such as the presence of MAKUKU SAP Diapers Pro Care, the pioneer of the diaper era with the core structure of SAP, or the first Super Absorbent Polymer in Indonesia. MAKUKU SAP Diapers Pro Care is a form of love or the best gift of love from parents for your little one. Where MAKUKU SAP Diapers Pro Care diapers have three main advantages, namely luxurious soft, 4 core layers, and a bubble belt. Every feature found in MAKUKU SAP Diapers Pro Care is designed to effectively reduce diaper rash. That way, parents in Indonesia have done one of the best ways to maintain the health of their little one's skin.

Together with the launch of MAKUKU SAP Diapers Pro Care, MAKUKU held a photo and video contest with the theme “Best Gift of Love Challenge”. Through this photo and video competition, parents can show and express mom and dad's version of the Best Gift of Love. Want to know what the Best Gift of Love Challenge looks like? Come on, see the following review.

Best Gift of Love Challenge Photo and Video Contest on Instagram and Facebook

In the Best Gift of Love contest, participants are required to submit a photo or video to share their best love story from parent to child using a special challenge frame in the photo or video.

Moms n Dads, let's show your version of #BestGiftofLove by participating in the Photo & Video Contest from MAKUKU. Follow the method as follows:

  1. Record videos or take photos together with your family and little ones using special frames from MAKUKU as creatively as possible.
  2. In the photo or video, your little one is recommended to use MAKUKU diapers.
  3. Max video length. 1 minute.
  4. Upload photos or videos on Instagram or Facebook and don't forget to tag your MAKUKU account.
  5. Make creative and interesting captions expressing love from parents to children on the photo or video uploads.
  6. Don't forget to include the hashtag #BestGiftofLoveChallenge #MAKUKUSAPDiapersProCare #MAKUKUAntiGumpal #TakutRuamPopokPakaiMAKUKU too, mom and dad.

Meanwhile, other terms and conditions that mom and dad must know to participate in the Best Gift of Love Challenge competition are:

  1. Participants must follow and mention or tag IG @makuku.indonesia.official and FB MAKUKU Indonesia.
  2. Participants must mention 5 friends in the caption mom and dad.
  3. Participants who enter this contest by submitting videos have a greater chance of winning.
  4. Participants who use MAKUKU diapers also have a greater chance of winning.
  5.  Participants' photos and videos submitted to MAKUKU will become MAKUKU's assets. 

There will be a total of 200 winners. Where the 10 main winners get 2 prize choices. The first choice, mom and dad won tens of millions of rupiah, MAKUKU SAP Diapers Pro Care products, and millions of rupiah e-commerce shopping vouchers. Or Mom and Dad can choose other prizes, namely 1 set of family photos, a 20% discount VIP card for shopping for MAKUKU SAP Diapers Pro Care on the MAKUKU e-commerce platform for life. And, 190 other lucky winners can get 1 carton of MAKUKU SAP Diapers Pro Care and hundreds of thousands of shopping vouchers.

The competition period starts from 17 October 2022 to 4 December 2022. The winner will be announced on December 9, 2022. Don't miss it, mom and dad!

MAKUKU Best Gift of Love Challenge Video Contest on TikTok

Now, for moms and dads who want to take part in the MAKUKU Best Gift of Love video contest on TikTok, it's really easy. Mom and dad just have to make videos using special filters from MAKUKU and make interesting content with the little ones. The way to join is as follows, mom and dad:

  1. Record a video with your little one using the MAKUKU filter on the TikTok platform.
  2. In this competition, you have to follow the movement of the frame and make sure the photo you take fits into the frame.
  3. It is not mandatory to use MAKUKU products, but using it can be a plus.

For the terms and conditions for participating in the MAKUKU Best Gift of Love Challenge video, please note:

  1. Participants must write about their good experiences after using MAKUKU SAP Diapers in the caption column. For example, Active little ones are not afraid of leaking because they use MAKUKU.
  2. Using the hashtag #MAKUKUSAPDiapersProcare #MAKUKUAntiGumpal #TakutRuamPopokPakaiMAKUKU #MAKUKUBestGiftofLove.
  3. Participants must follow and mention or tag the MAKUKU Indonesia Official TikTok account.
  4. Participants must mention and invite 5 friends in the comments column.

Mom and dad have the opportunity to win prizes of tens of millions of rupiah for the first, second and third winners as well as MAKUKU SAP Diapers Pro Care and hundreds of thousands of vouchers. While 35 lucky winners can get 1 carton of MAKUKU SAP Diapers Pro Care and shopping vouchers worth hundreds of thousands.

Well, what is no less important for mom and dad is the competition period which will take place from October 21 to November 21, 2022. The winner will be announced on November 28, 2022. 

The photo and video competition for the Best Gift of Love contest from MAKUKU can be participated by anyone for free. Come on, come along and tell the mom and dad version of the best love story! (Aq/MKK)










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