7 Characteristics of Pregnant Women Who Cannot Fast

Know the Characteristics of Pregnant Women Who Cannot Fast to Maintain the Health of Mother and Fetus

written by : MAKUKU - 13 Mar 2024

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Entering the month of Ramadan, many pregnant women may intend to fast. Because actually fasting is recommended for everyone who is able, including pregnant women. However, there are some characteristics of pregnant women who should not fast in order to prioritize the health of the mother and fetus in the womb.

In addition to health concerns, the characteristics of pregnant women who should not fast are usually associated with difficulties in carrying out daily activities. For this reason, pregnant women need to recognize the health of the body and it is advisable to consult in advance, whether it is allowed or not to fast.

Characteristics of pregnant women may break the fast

Basically, the law of fasting is obligatory, but there are exceptions for several groups including the elderly, people with certain medical conditions and pregnant women. Fasting may worsen their health condition. Likewise for pregnant women, both with a healthy pregnancy or a history of complications may cancel the fast if their health conditions decline.

Here are the characteristics of pregnant women may cancel the fast, including:

1. Dehydration

Dehydration is the most vulnerable condition during fasting. Enduring thirst for approximately 12 hours in pregnant women can cause several complications. For example, making the volume of amniotic water decreases, thus disrupting the development of the baby.

The characteristics of dehydration in pregnant women are increased heart rate, changes in urine color to thick yellow to dry mouth. If pregnant women experience symptoms of dehydration, they should stop fasting.

2. Nosebleeds

If you experience severe nosebleeds for 30 minutes, pregnant women should not continue fasting. Especially if the nosebleed is accompanied by the appearance of other symptoms such as difficulty breathing, chest pain, dizziness and pale skin.

The risk of nosebleeds during pregnancy can be triggered by a lack of drinking water during fasting. Moreover, hormonal changes during pregnancy can increase blood volume which makes the blood vessels in the nose dilate and break easily.

3. Headache

The next characteristic of pregnant women who should not fast is experiencing intense headaches that do not get better. Headaches in mothers during fasting can be an indication of hypertension and preeclampsia.

These headaches appear due to high blood pressure which disrupts blood flow to the brain. In addition to headaches, pregnant women are also advised to fast if other symptoms appear such as vomiting, nausea, blurred vision and swollen legs.

4. Pain in the abdomen

Dehydration not only causes a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid, but also reduces blood volume. Disturbed blood flow during pregnancy can trigger abdominal pain similar to contractions.

If the symptoms of abdominal pain in pregnant women have begun to be felt, this is a sign that pregnant women should cancel the fast. Do not insist on continuing to fast because contractions in pregnant women can be one of the signs of premature birth.

5. Weakness during pregnancy

Continuous weakness in pregnant women who are fasting is a sign that fasting is not recommended. Pregnant women need adequate rest and additional nutrition. This prolonged weakness can also occur due to a decrease in blood sugar levels due to lack of food intake.

In other words, the diet of pregnant women during fasting can make blood sugar in the body unstable. And, blood sugar can suddenly spike drastically when pregnant women break the fast or dawn.

6. Fetal movement decreases

Pay attention to the baby's movements in the womb especially if the pregnant woman enters the second and third trimester. A baby who lacks movement in the stomach can be a sign of fetal distress. If the number of fetal movements or kicks decreases while fasting, pregnant women may cancel the fast as soon as possible.

Canceling the fast when fetal movement decreases can help maintain the health of the baby in the womb. After canceling the fast whether there are changes such as the fetus starting to move slowly or not. If not, check with your gynecologist immediately.

7. Weight loss

Weight loss in pregnant women during fasting can be a sign that the body needs more nutritional intake. It is undeniable that fasting can reduce the intake of nutrients from food and drinks that are important for fetal health.

Not gaining weight in pregnant women can also cause serious complications. Among them are triggering preterm labor and low birth weight babies (LBW). So, fasting is not suitable for pregnant women like this.

Well, those are the characteristics of pregnant women who should not fast to maintain the health of the mother and fetus. Make sure pregnant women always monitor the health and development of the fetus whenever there are suspicious changes. (Aq/MKK)






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