Signs of a Healthy Fetus in the Second Trimester of Pregnancy, Moms Must Know!

Signs of a Healthy Fetus in the Second Trimester of Pregnancy, Moms Must Know!

written by : MAKUKU - 23 Sep 2021

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The second trimester of pregnancy is an important phase for the development of the fetus in the womb. After passing through the first three months, the growth of the fetus will accelerate to enter the age of 13 - 27 weeks in the second trimester of pregnancy. It is estimated that the fetus has a length of 116 millimeters and weighs about 100 grams when entering four months of pregnancy.

In this phase, pregnant women usually have a much more fit and energetic condition even though the stomach is getting bigger. Likewise with appetite, Moms will find it easier to eat various dishes without any annoying complaints.

"The formation of organs has been completed. In the second trimester there is an increase in weight and an increase in size. At that time the baby has become bigger, there has been muscle formation, the formation of tissue that was small has now become large," said the Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist (Obstetrics and Gynecology) here St. Hospital Carolus dr. Ivanna Theresa S, SpOG to Makuku Family..

Then, how to determine if the fetus is healthy or not in the Second Trimester?

dr. Ivanna said there is a measurement through the curve to determine the health condition of the fetus. The curve can adjust between the ideal fetal weight and gestational age.

"Weight itself is the result of a biometric formula, from head circumference, head diameter, abdominal diameter, then from the length of the femur. Now, when you find your weight, you will check on ultrasound whether it matches your gestational age or not," said dr. Ivanna.

In addition to adjusting to the curve, continued dr. Ivanna, there are several signs that are a measure of the health of the fetus. First, you must be able to feel the movement of the fetus during the second trimester of pregnancy.

The next sign, heart rate can also be detected with a minimum amount of 10 times in 12 hours. However, for the first child the new heartbeat was felt at 20 weeks of gestation.

dr. Ivanna advises Moms to immediately consult a doctor if the two signs above are not felt in the second trimester.

"At least at the age of five months, you can feel it. If you haven't felt the movement of the fetus at that age, it's better to confirm with the doctor whether the baby is okay," explained the doctor who graduated from Obstetrics and Gynecology specialist at the University of Indonesia.

Citing the What to Expect website, several signs that describe a healthy fetus include the appearance of fine hairs such as eyelashes, the eyes begin to open, sexual differentiation is increasingly visible and also the fetal nerves are starting to be covered by myelin.

"If you usually feel fetal movement and suddenly don't feel it, then that's the mother's effort to monitor whether her child is okay by checking with the doctor," added dr. Ivanna

Tips for Keeping a Healthy Fetus

dr. Ivanna said that exercise is one of the important pillars in maintaining the health of pregnant women and fetuses. Moms are advised to exercise at least 45 minutes a day to maintain fitness while maintaining stamina. The chosen sport should not be too difficult. Walking, pregnancy exercise and yoga can be the best options for the health of moms and their babies.

"With exercise in addition to improving circulation, including good for the heart, with heart exercise the baby will also get better oxygen. And it will also increase the mother's stamina, so when the stomach gets bigger, the baby gets bigger, the mother is ready," said dr. Ivanna

In addition to exercise, being selective in choosing food should also be done by Moms in order to maintain the health of the fetus. According to dr. Ivanna, the second trimester may be more comfortable for pregnant women because the quantity of nausea is decreasing. For the selection of food should be prioritized that is nutritious and has nutritional value. The recommended intake for pregnant women is folic acid, iron, calcium, vitamin D, and also daily calories. The selection of this food menu can also affect the stability of pregnant women's weight.

"If it is not controlled, then the nutrition is excessive, for example too much carbohydrates or sugar, so the mother is overweight, the baby is also overweight and too big for her gestational age. Later in the third trimester it can be a problem," said dr. Ivanna.

Well, is the information above enough to help Moms who are undergoing their second trimester of pregnancy? Keep up with interesting information and other parenting tips through the website or follow our Instagram account at @makuku.indonesia.official

dr. Ivanna Theresa S, SpOG

RS Carolus Jakarta

dr. Ivanna is a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology. After completing his general medical education at the Faculty of Medicine, Maranatha Christian University, Bandung (2009), he continued his specialization in Obstetrics and Gynecology from the University of Indonesia and graduated in 2014.
Apart from being a clinician, he is also active in writing, attending, and giving presentations at national and international Obstetrics and Gynecology scientific events. She is a member of the Reproductive Health Module Development Team for Adolescents, Center of Excellence for Integrated Maternal and Infant Health (2014). Dr. Ivanna won the Best Poster prize at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Poster Parade for two consecutive years (2010 and 2011). He is the best graduate of the 2014 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology specialist program.

dr. Ivanna Theresa S, SpOG

RS Carolus Jakarta

dr. Ivanna is a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology. After completing his general medical education at the Faculty of Medicine, Maranatha Christian University, Bandung (2009), he continued his specialization in Obstetrics and Gynecology from the University of Indonesia and graduated in 2014.
Apart from being a clinician, he is also active in writing, attending, and giving presentations at national and international Obstetrics and Gynecology scientific events. She is a member of the Reproductive Health Module Development Team for Adolescents, Center of Excellence for Integrated Maternal and Infant Health (2014). Dr. Ivanna won the Best Poster prize at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Poster Parade for two consecutive years (2010 and 2011). He is the best graduate of the 2014 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology specialist program.







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