Presenting the Best Breast Milk Complementary Food Menu for the Baby, Are Moms Ready?

Presenting the Best Breast Milk Complementary Food Menu for the Baby, Are Moms Ready?

written by : MAKUKU - 3 Nov 2021

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As they get older, babies need nutritional intake not only from breast milk. For this reason, Moms must prepare Complementary Foods for Mother's Milk or complementary foods for Mother's Milk to support the calorie needs of your little one so that their weight and growth are in accordance with their age.

However, providing complementary foods for breast milk or complementary foods for breast milk for your little one can be called 'easy-to-easy'. Moms cannot self-taught rice or porridge as Complementary Food for Mother's Milk to their little one without consulting a doctor.

"Mother's milk fulfills 100% of the baby's needs until the age of 6 months. As we get older, breast milk alone is not enough to meet the caloric needs for a growing baby. For this reason, babies need complementary foods to support their growth," said the doctor. Pediatrician, dr. Ratno J. M. Sidauruk, SpA (K) to MAKUKU Family recently.

Doctor who works at the hospital. St. This Carolus said that there are several points that must be considered before Moms start giving Complementary Foods for Mother's Milk. The question that is often asked by the public, continued dr. Ratno, at what age can babies start complementary foods for breast milk?

dr. Ratno gave an example, the provision of Complementary Foods for Mother's Milk in Indonesia is generally carried out on infants aged 6 months. While in Europe, at the age of 4 months, some babies have received complementary foods for breast milk.

"What must be considered when starting Complementary Foods for Mother's Milk apart from age, is also the readiness of the little one such as his head is upright, his oromotor reflexes are good, interested or have the desire to eat, especially when he sees people around him eating, and looks still hungry even though Mother has routinely given breast milk," said dr. Ratno.

Preparation of Complementary Foods for Mother's Milk

According to dr. Ratno, there are four things that Moms must pay attention to when serving Breast Milk Complementary Foods, namely on time, adequate, safe & hygienic and given responsively. As previously mentioned, the provision of complementary foods to breast milk must be timely. Not only the right age, but seeing how the baby is ready to accept 'foreign food'. This is indicated by the attitude of the baby who becomes interested when he sees his parents eating.

"When he saw his parents eating, he was already grumpy, looked here and there, and his tongue started to lick," said the doctor who graduated from general practitioner education at Diponegoro University, Semarang.

The second sign of readiness, continued dr. Ratno, can meet the requirements for the composition of Complementary Foods for Mother's Milk. The choice of menu composition needs special attention for moms by prioritizing balanced nutrition and nutrition to support baby's growth. The recommended menu is a complete menu, namely carbohydrates, protein (preferably animal protein), fat, and a few vegetables or fruit.

The third requirement for complementary foods for breast milk is safe and hygienic which refers to the cooking process, tools and selection of food raw materials. Complementary foods for breast milk. The last requirement is that complementary foods for breast milk must be given responsively and consistently based on hunger and satiety signals from the child.

"For giving breast milk at a certain age (4 months) must pass a doctor's consultation. Consideration of weight gain, the child's readiness to eat must still be discussed with the doctor," said dr. Ratno.

In addition to readiness from the baby's side, moms also have to prepare stages of complementary foods for breast milk by providing baby support equipment and be ready to cook the best dishes for the baby anytime anywhere.

Menu Complementary food for mother's milk & Mandatory Nutrition

Menu selection Complementary food for mother's milk must be based on nutritional needs to increase the child's weight. According to dr. Ratno, Moms don't have to buy certain foodstuffs because the best complementary foods for breast milk are foods that are consumed at home using ingredients in the kitchen.

He added, the menu of complementary foods for breast milk can be adjusted to the menu at home as long as it meets the adequate criteria and is smooth. In addition, parents must also be consistent in increasing the texture of complementary foods according to breast milk according to the ability and age of the baby.

"For the menu for complementary foods, breast milk must meet the needs of macronutrients and micronutrients. If you have catfish or mackerel at home, you have given them catfish or mackerel so you don't have to force them to buy other fish. Don't make it complicated in preparing water complementary foods. mother's milk. What is in the house, that is used." clear dr. Ratno.

As explained earlier, the mandatory nutrition in the complementary food menu for breast milk is divided into two, namely micronutrients and macronutrients or commonly called the Complete Menu. According to dr. Ratno, the baby's calorie needs when complementary foods with breast milk are 35-55% carbohydrates, 15-20% protein, and 35-60% fat.

So, what are some nutritious foods that support baby's growth and development when complementary foods with breast milk?

Macronutrients: Substances that the body needs in large amounts, consisting of:


Sources of carbohydrates in complementary foods for breast milk can be obtained by Moms from rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes and wheat. If likened to a vehicle, carbohydrates act as fuel to produce energy during activities.

"For a source of carbohydrates, you can give those available at home such as fluffy white rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, or corn," said dr. Ratno


Protein is divided into two, namely animal and vegetable. In the menu of complementary foods for breast milk, dr. Ratno advised moms to choose animal protein sources such as meat, fish and eggs. For meat, make it a habit to choose parts that have a lot of fat because it is good for baby growth.

"Animal protein contains heme iron so it is easier for the body to digest than vegetable protein. Growing children need heme iron for brain development," added dr. Ratno


Sources of fat that can be found at home such as coconut oil, coconut milk, butter. Fat can also be found in chicken liver, beef liver and egg yolks. Fat gets the largest portion in complementary foods to breast milk so it must be present in the child's dish.

Vegetables and fruit

For complementary foods, mothers are advised to give vegetables or fruit in small quantities. Because giving vegetables when complementary foods for breast milk aims to introduce the taste of vegetables to babies, not as a source of energy

"For example, carrots, 1.5 teaspoons are enough. For spinach 2-3 pieces are enough. If you give too many vegetables, the child will be full of vegetables. In fact, when complementary foods for breast milk, fat must be increased," added dr. Ratno

Micronutrients: Substances needed in the body in small amounts but still have an important role. Micronutrients consist of calcium, iron, zinc and vitamins A, C.

Food sources of iron are obtained from liver and red meat. For sources of calcium, Moms can get from various dairy products. Sources of Vitamin A can be obtained from the liver, egg yolks. Vitamin C can be obtained from vegetables and fruits. Lastly, food sources of zinc you can get from the liver.

"Chicken liver is good for complementary foods to breast milk. There are also many vitamins. Regarding taboos for complementary foods to breast milk, it's best not to give your child spicy food. The rest, home food may be given as long as it meets its nutritional needs," said dr. Ratno.

So, are you ready to give complementary foods to breast milk for your little one? Come on, find complementary products for breast milk at the nearest Makuku Store.

Don't forget to follow and follow our social media @makuku.indonesia.official for various interesting information and certain promos. Lastly, you can also join a Makuku membership to get Makucooks recipes, parenting content or consultations with pediatricians for FREE! Good luck, Moms :) 








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